Ahmed Ammar
Professor and Consultant Neurosurgeon
Dammam University
Saudi arabia
Born in Egypt on March 24, 1953, graduated from the Medical School in 1977. Started my Neurosurgery training program in Karolinska Institute, Stockholm Sweden in 1979. Then Moved to Japan, Shinshu University to obtain the Doctorate in Neurosurgery in 1984. Fellowship, Dept of neurosurgery Pittsburgh University , USA, 1989. Fully involvement in busy neurosurgical service, operated till more than 6000 neurosurgical patients. Special interest for pediatric neurosurgery Dedicated educator shared in writing 3 fellowship training programs in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Gulf States, involved in teaching, supervising training medical students, neurosurgical residents, and neurological science trainees. Wrote first head Trauma Protocol for MOH, SA 2013 Published over 100 manuscripts in International journals Published chapters in 7 books Editor of â€Ethics in Neurosurgery Practice†book published by Springer ( September 2014) Editor of “ Hydrocephalus- what we know and what we still don’t know†by Springer 2017 Presented over 500 talks in national and international scientific meetings. He described and named special neurological and neurosurgical condition in children which was published in Journal of Neurosurgery Described two neurosurgical procedures, for the first time. Awards 1. Life time achievement in Medicine/ Neurosurgery Award, Venous International Foundation, 2016 2. Walter Dandy Neurosurgical international Society Award, 2015 3. Saudi Neurosurgical Society Medal of appreciation 2014 4. Saud neuroscience Society Appreciation Award 2009
Research Interest
The long outcome of mild head trauma (in progress) The long outcome of hydrocephalus. (Finished) Wide Genome for Epilepsy (in Progress)